In this blog we will create cheat-sheet, or reference material where in we will cover the main functionalities for accessing the data from HDF5 Files in Python using pandas HDFStore.
► The HDFStore class is the pandas abstraction, responsible for dealing with HDF5 data.
- Under the hood HDFStore uses the PyTables library, so make sure that it is installed, if you want to use this format.
► Give the HDFStore constructor the path to a demo file and create a store:
filename = "pytable_df_file.h5"
store =
► HDFStore has a dictionary like interface, which means we can store key-value pairs, for example: a pandas DataFrame with a corresponding lookup key.
► Store a DataFrame which contains your data in HDFStore as follows. The key is 'df' here (same is highlighted below), and the DataFrame object is df.
store['df'] = df
► Save the DataFrame back to HDF5
- This is quite simple, simply assign back the df to HDF5 file, as mentioned in below line
store['df'] = changed_df
► We can access the DataFrame in three ways:
1. First with the get() method
print("Get", store.get('df').shape)
2. Dictionary like lookup
print("Lookup", store['df'].shape)
3. And finally the dotted access
print("Dotted", store.df.shape)
► We can delete an item from the store by calling the remove() method, or with the del operator.
del store['df']
print("After del\n", store)
► The is_open attribute indicates whether the store is open or not.
► The store can be closed with the close() method. In below sample we will close the store and check again that it got closed or not:
print("Before close", store.is_open)
print("After close", store.is_open)
► Pandas also provides a DataFrame to_hdf() method, and a top-level read_hdf() function to read and write HDF5 data. In below snippet we will call the to_hdf() method and read the data:
df.to_hdf(, 'data', format='table')
print(pd.read_hdf(, 'data', where=['index>363']))
Using this cheat-sheet you should be able to start coding the needed functionality.
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